10 Things You Might Not Know About Urgent Care

By: Ally Gravina

May 20, 2022

Renown Urgent Care doctor with patient

Visiting a Renown Urgent Care location is an excellent option when you have a non-severe condition, such as a skin rash or sore throat, can't get in to see your primary care provider in a timely manner or if you need an appointment after regular business hours. To learn more about the ins and outs of Urgent Care, we spoke to David Lemak, MD, Division Chief Urgent Care, who let us know some reasons to visit Urgent Care, how to make your visit as efficient as possible, and more. Remember, for a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately!
  1. Urgent Care is similar to a Primary Care provider
    Urgent Care providers can do most of the things your Primary Care provider can do, with visits billed the same as an office visit.

  2. If you could put the word “severe” in front of your reason for visiting Urgent Care, please go to the emergency department right away
    For a list of what is an appropriate visit for Urgent Care click here. Also, we recommend that babies 2 months old and younger should go to the Renown Children’s Emergency Department, not Urgent Care. 

  3. Renown Health has 10 Urgent Care locations across northern Nevada
    There are five locations in Reno, two in Sparks, one in Carson City, one in Fernley and one in Fallon.
    For a complete list of Renown Urgent Care locations, click here

  4. Many of your Urgent Care needs can be accomplished via a virtual visit, from the comfort of your home or office
    Conditions Appropriate for a Virtual Visit Included:  
    - Common cold and cough symptoms
    - Muscular, tendon or joint pain not cause by injury 
    - Allergy or sinus symptoms  
    - Pink eye 
    - Urinary discomfort 
    - Backache 
    - Sexually transmitted illness screening  
    - Rashes or skin sores
    - Medication refills (no controlled substances)

  5. Some conditions are not appropriate for a virtual visit.
    They include: 
    - Chest or abdominal pain  
    - Shortness of breath 
    - Traumatic injuries 
    - Dizziness or confusion  
    - Bleeding   
    - High fever  
    - Persistent vomiting 
    - Loss of vision  
    - Substance abuse or psychiatric problems

  6. Book ahead for shorter wait times, but remember walk-ins are always available.
    Click here to make your appointment. This booking page conveniently shows the next available appointment at each location. Typically, mornings and late afternoon (right before dinner time) have the shortest wait times if you plan on walking in.  

  7. You will be asked to wait in your car when you arrive at a Renown Urgent Care facility.
    While you wait (or even before you arrive), patients are encouraged to complete all registration paperwork and co-pay information online. 

  8. Urgent Care is great for visits such as back-to-school physicals, camp physicals, commercial motor vehicle exams and more.
    Sometimes you cannot get in to see your primary care provider to meet the last-minute deadlines for certain school or work-related physicals. Many of these appointments can be completed at Urgent Care; we just recommend you call ahead and confirm that our facility offers what you need. 

  9. An Urgent Care provider can virtually order a PCR COVID-19 test. 
    Whether you have a possible exposure, are not feeling quite like yourself or need a negative test for upcoming travel, a COVID-19 test can be ordered for you.

  10. The cost for a visit to Urgent Care is dependent on your benefits, but the visit is billed the same as a standard office visit.
    If you don’t have insurance, a basic visit to a Renown Urgent Care will cost $125. 
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