Beyond Jello: A Healthier Approach to Hospital Food

February 06, 2020

Beyond eating jello in hospitals

Hospital food gets a bad rap and maybe it’s deserved. However, at Renown Health we strive to serve patients, visitors and staff meals that are both nutritious and delicious. In this video and blog post, Renown Health President and CEO, Tony Slonim, M.D., Dr.PH., FACHE, shares his thoughts on hospital food and modeling healthy lifestyles.


Everyone knows that what we eat matters for almost every aspect of our health. Eating well can prevent chronic disease, control weight, improve our mood and even strengthen our bonds with loved ones as we come together to enjoy a family meal. Yet despite this knowledge, balancing work or school responsibilities, family life and everything in between can make eating healthy feel like an uphill battle.

Recognizing this challenge, Renown Health invests in programming to help our community embrace healthy lifestyle habits – starting with our own employees. Knowing that people often look to their healthcare providers to model healthy behavior, we are deliberate in our efforts to help our employees and their families live well.

We also provide healthy dining options in our on-campus restaurants and through our food and nutrition services team. We believe that providing nutritious, appetizing meals helps patients to recuperate from illness or injury, helps their families recharge, and helps our staff fulfill their promise of providing outstanding care.

We hope that by serving as models of healthy behaviors, our employees will inspire others to join us in this journey.

Dr. Slonim on Twitter | @RenownCEOTonyMD

Interested in learning more of Dr. Slomin’s thoughts on health and healthcare? Engage with him on Twitter.

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